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Hubbard Harpsichords demonstration CD-R


Italian single-manual harpsichord

after Anon., c. 1600

Harpsichord Books
Harpsichord CDs




Hendrik Broekman, harpsichord


Bernardo Storace (fl. 1664);  Aria sopra La Spagnoletta

1) Prima parte   (1' 12”)

2) Seconda parte (1' 05”)

3) Terza parte (1' 12”)

4) Quarta parte (1' 12”)

5) Quinta parte (1' 18”)

6) Sesta e ultima parte (1' 07”)


Johann Kaspar Kerll (1627 – 1693);  Suite in F   (7' 09”)

7) Allemande (back 8')

8) Courante

9) Sarabande (front 8')

10) Gigue


Bernardo Storace; Passagagli   (6' 56”)

11)   (Prima partita)

12) Grave

13) Allegro


Johann Sebastian Bach   (1685 – 1750)

12) Prelude in d for W. Fr. Bach, BWV 926

1' 03”


Hubbard & Broekman 1987 after Anon c. 1600

Except as noted, all selections played 2 x 8'

The instrument was tuned in 1/5 comma meantone


Recorded digitally in 2001 at the Hubbard shop



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