Harpsichord Kits

Customer Kit Photos & Testimonials

Harpsichords & Virginals
Spinets & Fortepianos

Camille Gervais
Ste. Foy, Quebec, Canada

M. Gervais, of the University of Laval, states that the decoration of his Flemish single . . . flowers, insects and butterflies, was painted (acrylic) with the help of living plants, insect collections, and color photographs. The bird paintings are copies of illustrations from various books. The drawing around the rose is a copy from an historic instrument. The blue decorative lines along the mouldings are Mr. Gervais' own creation. The instrument, completed in 1995, is a tribute to M. Gervais knowledge of his subject matter and his painstaking craftsmanship.

Mr. Gervais says that his instrument was played by "an excellent harpsichord player who found it excellent. I'm beginning to believe that it is true.!"



The photos were taken by a friend, Michel Blais.


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