Think that building an instrument from a kit is too difficult for you? Read some of the following testimonials from our customers. They may change your mind! Gerald Kaplan Daniel S. Klein Joop Schipper John McKean W.L.D. Barrett John Seal David Antscherl's French Double-manual Martin Rodenburg's French Double-manual Richard Alkire Boyd Sharp's Flemish Single Harpsichord James Brown's French Double-Manual Harpsichord after Taskin James Briggerman's French Double-Manual Harpsichord Philip Wyse Taskin Harpsichord Elliot Johnson's English Bentside Spinet David Kelzenberg Allan Mungall's English Bentside Spinet Robert Crea's 18th Century French II Andrew Lagerquist's French Double Camille Gervais' Flemish Single (several photos!) Grace St. Pauls Epsicopal Church Mickel and Leo Blaize
Think that building an instrument from a kit is too difficult for you? Read some of the following testimonials from our customers. They may change your mind!
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